

He Promotional Merchandising It is an important part of Merchandising itself in general. The business arena is saturated with countless companies offering a wide variety of products and services. Companies seeking to locate themselves in an innately hostile environment, or that want to ensure that their business stands out in the market, need to enhance their brand. The brand is the identifier of the products and services that a company offers and allows consumers to recognize it, differentiating them from those of the competition. He Promotional Merchandising It is one of the best ways to strengthen and enhance the brand. Today, there are many Merchandising companies who are responsible for installing an idea in the mind of the consumer, making you easily associate certain attributes or desires with the company, mainly through promotional products.

Promotional merchandising consists of the technique of using one or more promotional products that refer to the company, with the aim of increasing the visibility of the company and achieving greater brand positioning in the market and business sector. Furthermore, these products created to market, such as pens or keychains, increase the profitability of the brand through the use and exploitation of the image. Products may be aimed at the company's current customers, in order to reward their loyalty, or at potential customers, with the intention of increasing their knowledge of the company and promoting sales.

Most companies perceive promotional merchandising as an old marketing strategy. However, this technique never goes out of style. In fact, over time it has become one of the most effective methods that companies have to achieve their objectives. This is because, in addition to improving the brand image and strengthening the reputation of the business, it builds customer loyalty by strengthening the relationship with them and allows us to gain new potential customers. One of the keys to the success of promotional merchandising is that it is less intrusive in the eyes of consumers than traditional advertising or even email marketing. Without going any further, research carried out by the British Promotional Merchandise Association in 2017 showed that 79% of people surveyed felt appreciated when receiving a promotional product.

Types of promotional merchandising

Despite being an effective method, the process of selecting promotional products is essential for the success of a merchandising strategy. These types of objects must always be related to the products and services offered by companies and, at the same time, provide a practical response to an existing need. Ultimately, promotional merchandising combines the need for businesses to promote themselves with the ability to satisfy a need for potential customers. For this reason, companies must have the advice of a merchandising company, which will be in charge of choosing the type of product that best suits the needs of the brand. Next, we talk about the different guys promotional merchandising.

  • Classic promotional merchandising. Pens, keychains and notebooks are items that have always been present in the history of promotional merchandising, but they continue to be the most effective promotional products to enhance a company's brand.

  • Technological promotional merchandising. In an increasingly technological world, technological promotional merchandising has become one of the most successful options for companies. Technological items such as USB flash drives or Power Banks are promotional products that everyone likes to receive, mainly because they always offer great utility.

  • Textile and fashion promotional merchandising. Promotional clothing never goes out of style. Items such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts, jackets, caps or accessories turn customers into brand ambassadors, promoting the company wherever they go.


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